Knife Edge Prairie 2012

[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Knife Edge Prairie page.]

1/6/2012  The path into the prairie from the north

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3/9/2012  Center Valley from the point.  The dried flower stalks are Wormwood (Artemisia campestris), a plant of dry, sandy bluff prairies.

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4/1/2012  Spring mowing

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4/2/2012  The path along the ridge

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4/2/2012   Looking the other way along the path

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5/11/2012  This is one of the area that Mike mowed out in early April.  Now there are Jack-in-the Pulpits coming up all over.

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5/11/2012  More of the newly mowed area

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6/25/2012   Butterflyweed in the prairie



9/10/2012   Rough Blazing Star and Showy Goldenrod

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11/15/2012  I’ve been working again on clearing the west-facing slope.  I started at the point, and I’m working north, clearing all the brush and non-natives all the way from the path at the top, to where the woods gets thick at the bottom.  I didn’t get very far – it’s a lot of work! – but it looks much better.

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