Knife Edge Prairie 1013

[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Knife Edge Prairie page.]


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1/25/2013  This really shows how narrow the ridge is.

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1/25/2013  Looking north from the top of the point

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2/3/2013  Looking up at the point

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2/3/2013  The prairie

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6/8/2013  This is the part of the west-facing slope that I worked on clearing last fall.   It’s looking much better – there’s more sun getting to the prairie plants – but it’s obvious where I stopped.

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6/8/2013  This is a tiny mushroom that I found growing under some brush along the top of the ridge.  It’s called Coral Spring Mycena.


Mycena acicula - Coral Spring Mycena 6-8-13


6/19/2013  Center Valley from the point

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7/3/2013   Prairie Larkspur  – a few years ago I collected seeds from a prairie up the valley, and tucked them into the ground in a few of our bluff prairies.  It’s a fairly common plant on bluff prairies in this area, but I’d never found it on our land.  This is the first time I’ve found it growing here – there were several plants with flowers.

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8/18/2013  Big Bluestem

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8/18/2013   Rough Blazing Star

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